Friday, February 27, 2009


子 供2人を育てている経験から、アメリカでのデイケアや教育についてもご相談いただけます。
美容室、ネイルサロン、クリーニング店等のご紹介&ご予約 及び同行
アメリカ郷土料理&お菓子作りのレッスン                   (アップルパイやローストビーフ等)
カトリーナ・デイヴィスKatrina Davis


I am proud to announce that my daughter Lindsy was selected to be one of two young ladies representing GA as Jr. Ambassadors to the 2009 Asian Pacific Children's Conference (APCC) in Fukuoka, Japan for two weeks this summer. I can not express how proud I am of her.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

These are pics of Elizabeth, Lindsy and myself at a corn maze in Canton, GA in Oct. 2007. But I think it says a lot about life. We are always reaching road blocks and need to rethink which way are we going to go from here? No two people think the same way, not even in your own family. But together, as a family, we meet the challenges put before us and eventually navigate our way through the maze of life and into God's loving arms. I always tell my children "quitting is not an option!" As you can tell we would still be in this maze if it was.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Busy Weeeknd

The weekend was busy. We started with an interview with the Japan America Society for Lindsy to be a Jr. Ambassador for the Asian Pacific Children's Conference this summer in Japan. She was one of six female finalists and two will be selected. She enjoyed "mixing" with the other finalists, learning and playing games that helped teach communication and Japanese culture. She made two new friends in the process. Elizabeth even made a friend too. Then we ate at McDonald's (their favorite place) and I dropped them off with some friends while I went and assisted my mom with a dinner auction at the church. I managed to buy a dinner which will include dinner and card making. That dinner will be in September. I am hosting a Harry Potter lunch and 12 people purchased that lunch. So I am looking forward to that party too. A couple of friends of mine had an engagement party that, due to the auction, I could not attend but I had a friend that was going and thought she might spend the night at my house. So after I picked up the kids I frantically began cleaning house, but then she canceled and I went to bed.

Sunday, was another amazing day. I finished some of the cleaning I had started, then we proceeded to church. Elizabeth is finally starting to pay attention in mass. I think it is so she will know when it will end, so she can get a donut. The kids then hung out with my mom while I attended Nihogokai. I was able to network with some people in the Atlanta area who love Japan or are Japanese. I learned several things and was able to use my Japanese language some. I made two new friends too. I then picked up the kids, chatted with mom and joined Mark & Amy for Mexican dinner. We had a long discussion on private vs public schools, since Lindsy's 6th grade year is moving to the middle school. Before next year, middle school has been 7th & 8th only. So for me I need to get used to the idea. The years are going by too fast. I got a phone call from Ryan, he is feeling fluish but will get a pass this weekend. I look forward to helping him feel better. It is always good to hear from him. And then I also received an awesome gift from my awesome friend Rebecca. It's a GWU Santa with a GWU child cheerleader on his lap. I immediately put it in the curio, to display my school pride year round. Thanks so much Rebecca!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm a new blogger!!

Greetings and salutations. Going to be blogging here to learn the ropes, share photos and the goings on of our family. I hope to feel comfortable here and then get a blog going for the Kiwanis Clubs of Div. 15 while I am LTG. I hope to connect with friends and family and stay in better touch. Perhaps even start traveling with friends and family or sharing recipes or parenting tips. Please pass on your ideas. my e-mail is if you want to ever converse privately.